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Poetry Ireland Review is published three times annually. We welcome unsolicited submissions of poems, and proposals for articles and reviews, from Ireland and abroad, in Irish or English. We actively encourage submissions from women and people from diverse ethnic backgrounds, who are currently under-represented in the submissions we receive throughout the year. All submissions are read by the editor but due to the huge (and welcome!) volume of submissions we cannot offer any individual criticism.

In 2024, Poetry Ireland Review will be guest edited by Mary O’Donnell, spring issue 142; Mícheál McCann, summer issue 143; and Jessica Traynor, winter issue 144. Each editor will read all submissions received in the assigned time period for their issue.

Jessica Traynor - Poetry Ireland Review 144 - will read submissions from July.  

               Guidelines for Poetry Submissions

  • Please send only one submission
  • Submit a maximum of four poems, all in the same document, with page breaks between them. Only one document is allowed per submission. 
  • Owing to the high volume of submissions we receive, only one submission per writer can be considered at any time. Any multiple submissions will not be considered. 
  • Submissions should contain a cover note with relevant publication credits, if any. (Previous publication credits are not necessary to be considered for publication in Poetry Ireland Review). Again, please note, cover note and poems should be uploaded in the same document.
  • Please note work cannot be altered once submitted for consideration. Double and triple check your work before you send it. Do not submit more than one document in an attempt replace an older submission. Duplicate submissions will not be considered. 
  • Poems should be the original work , and previously unpublished.
  • Where a poem continues over more than one page, please clearly indicate stanza breaks between pages.
  • All documents should be attached as a single document. Submissions should be titled '[name of poet] PIR Submission' i.e. 'Paula Meehan PIR Submission'
  • All queries for the Editor should be sent to pir@poetryireland.ie. However, please note that submissions sent to this email will not be considered for publication; submit your work via Submittable, or by post. 
  • Poets are welcome to submit their work to multiple outlets but please let us know immediately if your work is accepted for publication elsewhere.
  • If you have not received a response on a submission currently under review, do not send a second one. Only one submission is allowed at a time.
  • Please allow a minimum of 5 months between receiving our response and submitting new work in future.

Due volume of poems received, the Editor normally replies within a maximum of 5 months, although this time frame may vary with the amount of submissions at any given time.

Poets whose work is accepted for publication will receive a copy of the issue in which their work appears plus a payment for their contribution, which is a minimum of €50, or a year's subscription to the review. Copyright for published work remains at all times with the author. Please note that poems published in PIR will also be added in due course to our online archive of back issues

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.